DJI Drones Comparison

Even if you are new to drones, you probably heard about DJI. They are the undisputed leaders in consumer camera drones. In this article will give you a high level overview over what DJI has released over the years, starting with the first drones they launched in 2016 and up to the last models they introduced recently.
BrandSeriesModelRelease Date
DJIMavicDJI Mavic 301/11/2021
DJIMavicDJI Air 2S01/04/2021
DJIMavicDJI Mini 201/11/2020
DJIMavicDJI Mavic Air 201/04/2020
DJIMavicDJI Mini SE01/07/2021
DJIMavicDJI Mavic 2 Pro01/08/2018
DJIMavicDJI Mavic 2 Zoom01/08/2018
DJIMavicDJI Mavic Air01/01/2018
DJIMavicDJI Mavic Pro Platinum01/08/2017
DJIMavicDJI Mavic Pro01/10/2016
DJIMavicDJI Mavic Mini01/10/2019

This comparison will help you make a better and informed decision when you are getting ready to buy. The idea is to know what you are getting into when you buy a drone.

BrandSeriesModelRelease Date
DJIPhantomDJI Phantom 4 Pro01/11/2016
DJIPhantomDJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.001/01/2020
BrandSeriesModelRelease Date
BrandSeriesModelRelease Date